March 2022 Live Monthly Meeting

Click this link to watch a video of the whole meeting

President Greg called the meeting to order, and started with a few announcements


  • The annual spring picnic and 2×4 contest will be held on April 3 at 1pm, at the Farm Bureau pavilion, corner of E Rd. and Palmer Blvd.
  • We still don’t have very many entries in the 2×4 contest. Greg threatened to buy a 2×4 and enter it, just to win some money.
  • Don’t forget about turning Monday. Tom Falcon will host a hands on event at Pat’s shop on the Monday after the monthly meeting, where he will help you get started or improve your turning skills
  • Tom Falcon filled us in on “Bowls for Hope”. The club participated in this a couple of years ago, before the Covid outbreak. The auction is not till November, so there is time to make a few bowls to donate, to help feed the hungry. This is not just for turners, anything hand made will bring a nice penny at the auction.


Ed Columbo presented a very interesting program on Bandsaw Boxes.

He started his demonstration by laying out the box on a piece of walnut that he had glued up. He was going to make a box like the clock box he brought.

He then cut out the shape on one bandsaw with a 1/8″ blade and then removed the back on another bandsaw with a 1/2″ blade.

After removing the back he cut out the drawer out of the center, and glued the back on again. Ed used CA glue for the program to save time but he usually uses yellow wood glue.

Then he cuts the front and back off the drawer, and cuts out the center of the drawer.

After gluing the front and back on to the drawer again, and sanding to fit, he has a completed box.

Show & Tell:

Terry Bair led off the show and tell by showing a puppy dog bank he made. He swore he would never make another one because of the time it took to sand it; until he came up with the idea of making patterns and using a router with a pattern bit to smooth the sides. He says now it only takes him about 24hrs to make one

John Theimer showed a great little Irish man that he carved sometime ago and finally got around to finishing. He also has a love for modern art shapes which he cuts with his scroll saw.

Marvin Stolzfus has been busy making miniature bird houses. Each one is made out of a different kind of wood. He says the hardest part is catching the birds.

Tim Sullivan has makes a lot of cutting boards for his family, and over the years he has come up with some interesting patterns. This time he added a knife for the gift.

Tom Falcon turned a beautiful bowl from camphor wood, and finished it with the Beal buffing system. Look at that shine!

A Few more Announcements:

  • Greg would like everyone to send him some pictures of what you are working on so he can post them on social media.
  • In an impromptu vote, it was agreed to try to find a expert to help Larry with the sound system both for the meeting and for the videos.
  • Larry announced that we have the capabilities of showing pictures of large projects that the member have made but are too large to bring to the meeting. Just put them on a USB flash drive in jpg format with resolution less than 8192×8192, or gif and png format with resolution not more than 1280×800. If you dont know your resolution just bring it in and we will try it.
  • Greg is working on a source for apparel. He will let us know at the next meeting.

Rafael & drawing

As usual, Mike and Randy gave out a lot of prizes.