March 2023 Meeting – Straw Marquetry

There were problems with the video camera at the March meeting, so I was not able to post a Youtube video of the meeting. Our program was presented by Raul Darriba, who drove down from Tampa to teach up about straw marquetry. Part of his program was to be slides of different projects using straw marquetry. Unfortunately, all but a couple of slides, had such long file names that our projector would not display them. Turns out, our projector has an 8 character limit on file names. Some of Raul’s files had over 30 characters in the name.

All is not lost! Raul kindly sent me the files, and I have them here for you to see. There is also a video showing how the straw is produced, that is really interesting. Here is the link to the video:

Enjoy the pictures and I hope to see you at the April meeting.

Raul also had some slides of some of the furniture he made: